Discover the best quotes from Heartstopper. Fall in love with the best Heartstopper quotes and discover why the Netflix series Heartstopper has the most romantic, funny and daring phrases.
Quotes from Heartstopper
“I’m not even gay. I just felt sorry for you.” -Ben
“Once you get into a relationship, friendships don’t matter anymore.” -Tao
“The one who looks like a golden retriever?” -Tao
“Charlie’s changing. He’s attending parties… Last year, he would rather die.” -Tao
“I’m not like homophobic. I’m an ally.” -Imogen
“Yeah. I’m like % sure they were both Harry’s fault, and I wasn’t even there.” -Tori
“I’m just so confused. I just need some time to figure this out.” -Nick
“It’s not coming off.”-Nick
“You’re gonna be blue forever.” -Charlie
Quotes from Heartstopper
“You only need to glance at him to know he’s a massive heterosexual.” -Tao Xu
“Masculine guys can be gay.” -Charlie
“Well, your arms are basically twigs.” -Elle
“Fine, I see how it is.” -Nick
“I wish I known then what I know now.” -Nick
“I want to kiss you so bad right now.”-Charlie
“Literally, how do you always beat me?” -Nick
“No, no he was horrible, this is someone else.” -Charlie
“That doesn’t sound very healthy.” -Charlie
Quotes Heartstopper
“Don’t feel like you have to come out yet before you are ready.” -Tara
“Mom, please stop talking.” -Nick
“I think I have a crush on Tao.” -Elle
Quotes from Heartstopper
“You realize this is the room.” -Tara’s girlfriend, Darcy
“It’s always been, boys.” -Charlie
“Just a suggestion.” -Charlie
“Happy to help?” -Nick
“I didn’t realize you were in a committed relationship.” -Tori
“How do you just appear out of nowhere?” -Charlie
“Is it bad?” -Charlie
Oh my god, It’s snowing.” -Charlie
“I was born to kill aliens.” -Charlie
“You’re not exactly the authority on working out who is and isn’t gay.” -Charlie
“It’s an unfortunate fact of life.” -Tao
“I just wanted it to be like old times.” -Tao
“Only a few of our friends know, but I think you’re officially part of the inner circle.” -Tara
“I was really scared no one would like me, so I didn’t even try talking to people at first.” -Elle
Quotes from Heartstopper
“Have you finally decided to have a rebellious phase?” -Tori “I actually needed to put myself out there or I’d just be alone.” -Elle
“You seem much more yourself around him.” -Nick’s Mother
“Well, he is the rugby king.” -Tao Xu
“I want to believe in romance.” -Isaac
“I’m just being an idiot.” -Charlie
“Well, I don’t like playing safe.” -Tao
“If you don’t want my attention that badly, why don’t you throw something at me again? Like your last remaining brain cell?” -Tao
Quotes from Heartstopper
“I never thought this would happen to me.” -Charlie
“Does this mean we are boyfriends?” -Charlie
“I want to tell the people who matter. And I want you to be able to tell people too.” -Nick
“You don’t get to make me feel like cr*p anymore just because you hate yourself.” -Charlie
“Charlie’s a really special friend, isn’t he?” -Nick’s mother
“Kissing you was one of the things that made me realize I don’t like kissing guys.” -Tara
“I know people have hurt you. And you feel like I’d be better off without you, but I need you to know that my life is way better because I met you.” -Nick
“Nick’s gonna be there. I’ll be fine.” -Charlie
Quotes from Heartstopper
“Charlie’s putting himself in danger just because he has a little unrequited crush.” -Tao
“You should try rugby. It’s good for releasing negative emotions.” -Nick
“Don’t let anyone make you disappear Charlie.” -Mr. Ajayi
“You don’t get to have an opinion about me.” -Charlie
“I’m probably going to hate most of them.” -Charlie
“You kind of are a gay nerd.” -Nick
. You’re not allowed to say the ‘s’ word.” -Nick
“That was ages ago!” -Tao
Quotes from Heartstopper
“He said he doesn’t want to talk to you.” -Isaac
“I deserve to be appreciated.” -Tao
“He’s my friend.” -Nick
“Nothing but my gay intuition.” -Darcy
“I don’t even know what my sexuality is.” -Nick
“I don’t think it counts as a landscape if it has people in it.” -Elle
“It’s all worth it to be with you.” -Nick
“You’re my favorite person.” -Nick
“I was thinking, what if I came out?” -Nick
“Oh my god. I like you so much.” -Nick
“Life must be really hard if your only personality trait is rich bell-end.” -Tao
“Next thing you know, Charlie will be bringing the whole rugby team to our film night and making us watch Avengers or something.” -Tao
Quotes from Heartstopper
Quotes Heartstopper
“I never would’ve guessed you were gay, but it’s so cool and brave of you.” -Tara’s classmate
“Just because you two came out doesn’t mean I want to share all of my secrets.” -Elle
“You befriended the school lesbians.” -Darcy
“Am I officially the third wheel?” -Elle
“Don’t leave no crumbs on the floor. The cleaning people will yell at me.” -Art teacher (Mr. Ajayi)
“A lot of gay people are good at sports, Charlie.” -Rugby coach
“We thank you for your service.” -Tara’s girlfriend, Darcy
“Does anyone remember the rules of rugby because I don’t.” -Tao
“I’m making this so awkward.” -Charlie
“I was going to say I’d send him a strongly worded DM, but murder’s fine too.” -Tao Xu
“It’s hard to be confident when they all see me as a stereotypical gay boy who can’t do sports.” -Charlie Spring
Quotes from Heartstopper
“As your token straight friend, it’s my duty to remind you that sometimes people are straight.” -Tao Xu
“You look so cuddly.” -Nick
“I don’t think he’s straight.” -Tori
“Mom, she’s here to see me.” -Tao Xu
“I’m afraid you’re just going to have to suffer then.” -Art teacher (Mr. Ajayi)
“I kept getting suspended because of my hair length.” -Elle
“No, his name is Nick.” -Charlie
“It looks the same.” -Tori
“I’m so proud.” -Nick
Quotes from Heartstopper
“Would you go out with someone who wasn’t a girl?” -Charlie
“Would you kiss someone who wasn’t a girl?” -Charlie
“You’re just gonna assume they’re a she?” -Nick
“It’s more complicated than that.” -Charlie
“That’s it. I’m not doing it anymore.” -Tao
“You definitely cheated.” -Charlie
“You really think he’s messing around?” -Charlie