Fall in love with the best quotes from After, the movie based on the After books. The best After phrases are an invitation to get lost in the adolescent romanticism of Tessa and Hardi, the protagonists of After, a saga full of phrases written to make you dream of the most passionate love.

1Quotes from After

  • My life before him was so simple and categorical.
  • Our love is better than any Austen or Brontë ever imagined.
  • After him, I just have the after. He makes me want to burn.
  • I can’t resist you, Tessa.
  • Our love is like that of the novels.
  • I am which moth around his flame.
  • I don’t know how to handle these kinds of feelings.
  • I can handle his anger, it’s the tears that kill me.

2Quotes from After

Quotes from After


  • You can’t resist me Tessa.
  • I have faith that he will see how truly amazing it is.
  • You make me feel things that I’m not familiar with.
  • He is so amazing and perfectly imperfect, which is why I love him so much.
  • I know this happiness will not last, and I feel like Cinderella, waiting for the clock to strike.
Frases de After 3 1
Quotes from After
  • The only thing that made sense to me was the girl who was sleeping next to me.
  • We are completely different, yet the same thing.
  • I bring out the worst in you and you bring out the best in me.

3Quotes from After

  • Despite the hundreds of buildings that light up the skyline, she is the only one who could make this city worth anything.
  • If she doesn’t move you even a little bit, you’re not reading the right book.
  • My thoughts are out of control and memories of fuzzy roses and angry green eyes flow through my dreams.
Frases de After 2
Quotes from After
  • You took something from me that didn’t belong to you, Hardin.
  • It was meant for someone who would love me, truly love me.
  • I feel like I am ice and he is fire.
  • Who says I asked you for an apology, or gave you a reason to ask for one?

4Quotes from After

  • ¿No eres una de esas mujeres que exige pagar la mitad de la cuenta, verdad?
  • Claro que no te estoy utilizando. Para utilizar a alguien necesito algo que me sirva.
  • Te amo. Por siempre.
  • Él se apodera de mis pensamientos e invade mis sueños.
  • Hardin es como una droga; cada vez que pruebo la más pequeña dosis de él, deseo más y más.
  • El cristal no es lo suficientemente fuerte como para evitar convertirse en cenizas.
  • Hay tantas cosas que debí de haber dicho, pude haber dicho y que claramente hubiera dicho si hubiera sabido que mis días en el cielo estaban contados.
  • Mi corazón se desbarata en pequeñas esquirlas de cristal negro.
  • La gente cambia y madura, pero no quiero acrecentar tus esperanzas.
  • Quiero estar donde sea que tú estés.
  • Algunas veces es mejor permanecer en la oscuridad que ser cegado por la luz.
  • Tú me haces querer ser bueno para ti.