Surprise yourself with the authentic end of you 2. The end of you 2 is designed to leave no one indifferent, that’s more than clear. And that is something that is known even before watching the series. How is it possible? The clues and keys of the end of You 2 have always been there, just need to see them. Do you want to know how is the end of You 2? Keep reading and get ready for the unexpected!

1You 2, ending explained: The origin

You 2 Final explicado

The first thing you have to know about yourself is that the continuation of You, the story about how Joe ends up sickly and obsessively in love with Geneva Beck, a young writer who ends up killing.

2You 2, ending explained: The reason for everything

You 2 Final explicado

If you want to understand the end of you 2 you need to know the origin of Joe’s story. Although it focuses on the fatal romance between Joe and Geneva, the origin of Joe’s madness began with Candace and it is she who causes Joe to leave New York to go to Los Angeles in you 2.

3You 2, ending explained: The key

You 2 Final explicado

Fate unites again to put Joe in the way of Candace, the woman who drove him crazy with love because of his selfish and uninhibited behavior.

4You 2, ending explained: Joe’s women

You 2 Final explicado

Candace is not the only woman in You 2. Victoria Pedretti gives life to Love Quinn, who will take a new turn to the life of Joe and Candace.
The other fem in Joe’s life in You 2 is Ellie, to which actress Jenna Ortega gives life. The young woman will be the objective of Joe and his obsession to rescue the young damsels.

5You 2, ending explained: The original ending

Ver episodios de You 2 online

Before watching the end of You you should read Hidden Bodies, the book on which the second season of You is based. In Hidden Bodies Joe goes to Los Angeles with the aim of killing his ex, Amy, who broke his heart and robbed him of some of his most rare and valuable books.

The great turn is brought by Amor (Victoria Pedretti) and Forty (James Scully), who collide with Joe and his plans, causing it to end up behind bars and dead Candace.